Hi there, I'm Patrick. I'm a rising 3rd year at Berkeley studying EECS and Applied Math.
Currently, my interests lie within the intersection of Computer Science and Math such as Software Engineering, Machine Learning, and Cybersecurity. In particular, I'm very interested in Adversarial Machine Learning.
If I needed to describe myself in one word it would be tenacious.
Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research (BAIR) Lab - Undergraduate Research Assistant
Python, PyTorch
Working on NLP with the Berkeley Speech Group.
Stripe - Software Engineer Intern
Java, Scala, SQL, AWS Java SDK, DogStatsD, Apache Flink, Kafka, Spark
Developed and deployed a Flink Application that identifes and auto-terminates degraded Hadoop nodes
Reduced degraded node identification and termination for an on-call Engineer from 45 to 0 minutes, a 100% improvement in response time.
Decreased the number of pages an on-call Engineer would receive for potentially degraded Hadoop nodes from 30 pages a month to 9 pages a month, a 70% reduction.
Integrated the AWS Support API to automatically create support tickets for degraded nodes, once they were
terminated, to ensure that no degraded node be recomissioned back to Stripe.
Created an efficient and scalable heuristic algorithm to identify degraded Hadoop nodes with a 90% success rate.
RISING Lab, University of Florida - Undergraduate Research Assistant
Python, Pandas, NumPy
Developed Connected and Autonomous Vehicle (CAV) trajectories in Reduced Speed Work Zones (RSWZ)
Simulated and explored various attack methodologies in V2I/V2X communications for CAV trajectories
Worked presented at the ACM MobiHoc 2023 Conference and published in the ACM Digital Library
ACE Lab, UC Berkeley - Undergraduate Research Assistant
Python, Pandas, NumPy, OS, PrairieLearn
Developed a cheat-detection program using the five indicators of cheating for take-home exams for PrairieLearn
Integrated various statistical inferential techniques and methods to assess the likelihood of a student cheating.
Processed and analyzed 1,500+ take-home online exam records from PrairieLearn and Berkeley.
Optimized the runtime of the program from 60s to 10s, an 83% reduction in runtime
Work presented at the SIGCSE 2023 TS and published in the ACM Digital Library
The Beauty and Joy of Computing, UC Berkeley - Student Assistant
XML, HTML, Spanish translation, CS Education
Actively communicating with 6+ developers and designers to create efficient, readable code and content for the BJC curriculum.
Bolster the structural integrity of the website’s codebase for better readability for onboarding members.
Automate the translation of the Beauty and Joy of Computing online curriculum into Spanish for 30,000+ students nationwide.
Quantitative Trading Strategy
Python, Pandas, NumPy, Selenium, Plotly, Yahoo Finance API
Implemented a quant trading strategy rooted in VIX pricing, VIX futures contango, VolDex pricing, and the S&P 500
Developed 10 key metrics that would be converted into a weighted average, then transformed into a percentile rank to determine what strategy should be taken for a particular trading day
Built a web scraper using Selenium to collect VIX Term Structure data (historical prices, VIX futures contract expiration dates, and VIX futures contango) since 2007
Utilized Pandas and NumPy to integrate data from distinct sources characterized by their different formats
2D Tile Exploration Engine
Designed and implemented a 2D tile-based world exploration engine.
Utilized the Gaussian pseudorandom number generator to create random yet predictable worlds based on the inputted seed.
Added a loading and saving mechanism to the game by detailing a user’s current state in the world into a text file.
Style Transfer
Python, TensorFlow
Implemented an image generator that creates a new image that has content from a “content” image with style from a “style” image
Built a custom cost model for Neural Style Transfer for the VGG-19 network from scratch, and defined content and style layers
DeepLearningAI - Deep Learning Specialization
Learned and built from scratch the following neural network architectures: NNs, CNNs, RNNs, BNNs, LSTMs, GRUs, Transformers
Optimized neural network architectures using Dropout, Batch Normalization, Xavier/He Initialization, and Hyperparameter Tuning
Applied industry-level frameworks such as TensorFlow to speech recognition, machine translation, and NLP tasks and more